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Fallen Tree Removal Costs In Scottsdale

Fallen Tree Removal Costs In Scottsdale

When a tree falls due to a storm, age, or decay, you must have it removed as soon as possible. The cost is determined by a number of criteria, the most important of which is how difficult the tree removal service anticipates the removal to be.

If the tree fell near overhead utility lines, call your utility company before having the tree removed. You don’t want to unintentionally turn off the power to your entire neighborhood.

Factors that Influence Removal Costs

The size and diameter of the tree, as well as whether or not it was healthy when it fell, all go into the price. A healthy tree is more difficult to break up and remove. The tree’s height is most certainly the most expensive factor, but the diameter of the trunk also matters. In other words, the more trees that need to be cut down, the more money you may anticipate to pay.

Because it’s easier to break up a dead or rotting tree, removal should be less expensive. If this is the case, inform each vendor from whom you request a price, as this should result in a reduced estimate. Finally, the cost is affected by the tree’s position. The lesser the price, the further it is from your home or any other impediments that make removal more difficult.

You should also contact your insurance carrier to see if they will cover the removal of the tree as well as any damage it may have caused to your property.

The Average Cost of Removing a Fallen Tree

Fortunately, removing a fallen tree is usually less expensive than removing one that is still firmly planted. You may anticipate to pay between $75 to $150 on average, though the cost of carrying the tree away may be more. It may cost extra if the branches need to be trimmed away. The cost of stump removal is roughly the same as the cost of removing the tree, ranging from $75 to $150 depending on the diameter of the stump and the method used to remove it. Hourly rates vary widely by location, therefore costs vary a lot depending on where you are.

Additional Factors to Consider When Dealing with a Fallen Tree

When getting quotations, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting. Extra expenses for stump removal and hauling are usual.

Stump removal: Unless your tree was ripped out by the roots by a tornado, your fallen tree most certainly left a stump. Most stump grinding and removal services demand an additional fee. The two most popular pricing options are per the inch ($2–$3 per inch) or by a minimum rate of roughly $100. If you need many stumps removed, expect to pay an hourly rate of roughly $150 per hour, while some firms impose a one-time price of around $150 for the first stump and a much lower rate of around $50 for each consecutive stump.

If the tree is fairly huge and needs to be chopped into manageable pieces for removal, an additional price of roughly $50 may be charged.

If you want to transform a fallen tree into firewood, you’ll have to pay $75 for someone to split the logs into firewood.

Travel: If you reside in a remote area, you may be charged an additional fee for travel, which varies greatly based on your approximate location and the distance the service must travel to reach you.

Who Is in Charge of Tree Removal?

In general, you are only liable for harm to someone else’s property if you knew the tree was ill or dead when you planted it. This usually means that the degradation is visible—for example, in the summer, limbs without leaves. Other symptoms of a dying tree include:

  • During the growing season, yellow, brown, and brittle leaves or needles appear, especially in the top third of the tree.
  • Branches that are excessively damaged or fallen
  • Missing bark patches
  • Fungus development
  • Wood-boring insects have drilled rows of holes in the wood.
  • Roots that are shaved or slimy
  • There is a noticeable slant in one direction.

It’s not usually your job to fix non-visible damage that only an arborist can see. If you’re aware of a potentially hazardous tree on your property, take steps to remove it; if you don’t, you could be held accountable for any damages caused by the tree’s collapse.

It’s vital to keep in mind that liability for fallen trees varies by state and/or municipality. For example, metropolitan areas may have greater standards of care than rural areas, therefore an urban homeowner may need to monitor trees along property lines more frequently than a rural landowner. To find out what the criteria are in your area, contact your municipality’s arborist division.

The following are some broad guidelines that can be used across the country. Please keep in mind that a municipality is likely to own a tree on public land.

Your neighbor’s tree is dead and dangerously close to your property line. So, what’s next?

In this instance, the best thing to do is establish a line of contact with your neighbor. Inform him or her that their tree is dead and inquire about their willingness to have it removed. Offering to split the expense of a tree examination and/or removal, if your budget permits, may make this conversation go a bit smoother.

Most people will appreciate the heads-up, but if the conversation doesn’t go as planned (or if your neighbor refuses to have the tree evaluated or removed), you may need to try another approach.

Documentation is essential in any situation involving the prospect of insurance claims or legal action. Write your neighbor a note expressing your concerns about the tree. Clearly request that the tree be removed, and state that if the tree falls and destroys your property, you will pursue legal action.

Send the letter to your neighbor via the US Postal Service, and for your own safety, send it certified with a return receipt so that you have proof that the letter was received. Make two copies of the letter, one to send to your insurer and one to maintain for your records.

Is this how you make friends with your neighbors for life? Most likely not. However, your home is one of the most important assets you will make, and you must safeguard it.

A nearby tree has fallen on your property. So, what’s next?

Look for evidence of deterioration on the fallen tree. You may choose to initiate a case against the tree owner if he or she was irresponsible about an evident ailment and refused to remove the tree themselves. However, keep in mind that such cases can be time-consuming and costly, and proving negligence can be difficult.

If the tree owner did not act negligently, you are liable for cleaning up the tree debris on your property and paying for the damage to your home, whether out of pocket or through your insurance. Although you and your neighbor may consider financial arrangements, the tree owner is under no legal responsibility to compensate you for any damage to your property.

Your tree has fallen on someone else’s land. So, what’s next?

A lawsuit may be filed against you if you were negligent in the treatment of a visible disease.

You are only liable for cleaning up the part of the tree that is on your property, not your neighbor’s, if there was no negligence on your part. Again, discussing cooperative cleanup with your neighbor is an option, but it is not required by law. Any damage to your neighbor’s home or property should be handled by his or her homeowner’s insurance company.

Get A Palm Tree Trimming or Removal Quote In Phoenix, AZ

If you are interested in receiving a free cost quote for Palm Tree Trimming anywhere in the Phoenix Valley, let Arbor Care Help!

We provide affordable Palm Tree Trimming services in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Glendale, Mesa, among others. Remove those sick or dead Palm Trees and enhance your residential yard or commercial property.

Written by webtechs

Moving Protected Native Plants

Is my palm tree dead

Landowners have the right to sell or give away any plant growing on their land. However, no person may legally transport protected native plants for commercial sale from any land without first obtaining a permit from the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

The native plant law requires that a person must have a permit to be in possession of any protected native plant taken from its habitat. Moreover, it is unlawful to destroy or mutilate any protected native plant. ADA Environmental Services Division (ESD) investigation staff issue Interstate Shipping Certificate for native plant shipments leaving the State.

Pursuant to ARS Section 3-909, “…shipment of plants being transported out of the state shall bear a certificate of inspection issued by the department.” Plants of the protected group that are shipped out of state shall be accompanied by all permits, tags and seals which are required by law. The Interstate Shipping Certificate ensures that the plants were collected legally and that the plant material has been visually inspected and found free of injurious pests and disease.

Likewise, plant species or varieties similar to Arizona’s protected native plants, not grown in Arizona and imported into this state, shall be transported directly to a department office at which a movement permit and seals must be obtained before the plants are distributed in Arizona. HOW TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO REMOVE PROTECTED PLANTS All land in the State of Arizona belongs to or is controlled by someone, whether it is a government agency or a private citizen.

Plants cannot be removed from any lands without permission of the owner and a permit from the Department of Agriculture. Lessees of state or federal land must obtain specific authorization from the landlord agency to remove protected native plants or other resources.  Contact the department office in Phoenix or Tucson or the website to obtain an application form.

The landowner must sign and date the application form. Saguaro cacti being prepared to be shipped out of state. Four Saguaro cacti being shipped to a private atrium in New York State. The application may be mailed or taken to the Phoenix or Tucson office, where the landowner information will be verified. After verification of land ownership, a permit will be issued. The permit fee is $7. Tag fees are: $8 for each Saguaro; $6 for other protected native plants and trees; $6 for each cord of wood; $.50 for small Native Plants under 8 inches , i.e.pincushion cacti.

Remove Dead  Trees in Phoenix, Tempe, & More

If none of the above steps have helped with your palm tree it may be time to call a certified arborist and have your tree further examined. We offer  tree trimming services in the Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, and surrounding areas. As an added bonus we are experienced and certified arborists, which means that we will do our best to restore your tree to its former health. However, we do know that this is not always possible in every situation which is why we also offer palm tree removal services to keep you and your property safe from harm. Worried about how much it is going to cost? Check out our tree trimming cost guide.

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Calling An Arborist For A Tree Assessment

When to Get a Tree Assessment

With the intention of successfully assessing a tree, it should be examined at least twice a year; once in the winter season and once in the summer season. Throughout the winter, arborists can identify weakening branch structure, corrosion from animals, and possible decay since they are not covered by summer leaves.  Throughout the summer, arborists can examine the color of the leaves and the tree’s twig growth. Without having your trees adequately assessed could allow small issues to turn into serious problems that will impact the overall health of your trees.

Why You Should Get a Tree Assessment

An ordinary homeowner can’t locate possible issues with their trees like a certified and trained arborist.  An arborist can locate problems with disease, pests, and overall damage that will cause the state of the tree to become worse, potentially leading to a fallen tree.  A falling tree on your property is highly dangerous because it may result in major property damage in addition to serious injury or death.  Here are the primary reasons to get your trees assessed twice a year:

  • Safety: A falling tree, or just a branch, is a significant risk on your property. Yearly tree assessments will point out issues that may cause a tree or branch to fall, greatly reducing that risk.
  • Tree Aesthetics: Recommended treatments for diseases and insect infestations, fertilization, and pruning based on a tree assessment will help to enhance the aspect of the tree.
  • Tree Health: The aftermath of disease and harmful pests may be easily missed by an individual who isn’t trained to find them. Professional arborists can quickly point out the signs of a disease or infestation and without delay provide the correct treatment.

What is Included in a Tree Assessment?

When a certified arborist carries out a tree assessment, they’re in general looking for the following problems:

  • Cracks: Cracks on the tree are typical problems that arborists look for. Major cracks can split the bark, heartwood, and softwood, weakening the structural strength of the tree and making it susceptible to insects, decay, and disease.
  • Leaning: When the tree roots lose their connection to the soil; the tree could begin to lean. If the lean continually gets worse season after season, the tree will have to be removed.
  • Issues with Root Plate: Degradation or softening of the root plate may lead to a separation with the lateral root system, causing instability of the tree. Typical causes of root plate problems include deep planting, root disease, and mower blast.
  • Girdling Roots: Occasionally the tree roots can envelop the trunk and start fighting with the trunk over nutrients and water. The trunk and the roots will develop into each other and over time cause issues for the tree.
  • Decay: Decay happens when an ailment leads to the inner heartwood tissues softening.
  • Co-dominant Stems: When there are two likewise dominant terminal stems, one needs to be removed or they’ll challenge each other which will lead to one of them failing.
  • Disease and Insects: Tree disease and aggressive insects leave signs that are hard for homeowners to see, but a certified arborist will see the signs immediately. Discovering these problems early on will help prevent detrimental damage to the tree.
  • Growing Conditions: It’s vital for trees to have correct growing conditions for the prevention defects within the tree or it’s root system.
  • Non-defects: Occasionally homeowners could be concerned by non-defects, like needles turning yellow, foliage loss, and separating bark. Depending on the type of tree, these occurrences may be natural and nothing to worry about.

Call a Professional Tree Service Provider

While it is suggested to have your trees assessed once during the summer and once during the winter, professional tree service companies are year-round to offer assessments.  Be sure you contact a certified arborist if you think there might be something amiss with your trees.  They will strongly assess the issues and come up with solutions to restore the health of the trees.  Being precautionary with your trees assessment will not just maintain your trees, but will save you money by hindering property damage and tree removal costs.


Arbor Care is a Professional Tree Trimming Company In Arizona

Arbor Care offers professional tree trimming and pruning services in Tempe, Arizona, and surrounding areas. Request a free tree trimming estimate from the professional tree service experts at Arbor Care.

Written by webtechs

Tree Trimming Costs 2021

Tree Trimming Cost

The average price for tree trimming is $537.50 for 2021 in the US, with costs ranging from $75 to $1,000. Cost factors depend on the size, height, condition, and location of the tree to be trimmed.  The cheapest tree trimming cost is around $75.00. Tree Trimming costs about $375 a tree with average prices of tree trimming ranging from $250 a tree to $500 a tree.

Tree Trimming Cost In 2020

  • Lowest Tree Trimming Cost: $75
  • Average Tree Trimming Cost: $537.50
  • Highest Tree Trimming Cost: $1,000

Tree Trimming Cost Per Hour

The average price for tree trimming per hour is $137.50 for 2021 in the US, with costs ranging from $97.50 to $172.50. Tree trimming price factors depend on the height, size, condition, and location of the tree to be trimmed. The cheapest tree trimming cost per hour is around $97.50.

What Is The Cost Of Tree Trimming?

On occasion, you will need tree trimming done to maintain an attractive looking yard. Pruning or trimming your trees helps to remove broken or dead limbs which could be dangerous, in addition to improving the appearance. However, until you are in need of tree trimming, you probably won’t understand the costs. Tree trimming costs range based on various factors, including if you are doing it yourself, or using a professional tree trimming service. Keep reading to learn more about the cost of tree trimming.

What Is The Cost Of Do It Yourself (DIY) Tree Trimming?

Renting heavy-duty gas-operated tree trimmers are an option in certain areas. For purchasing standard hand-held pruners or loppers, they will cost on average, $40 – $50. Whereas, a gas pole pruners average $180 and up. However, these get the job done efficiently and quickly. It should be noted that a standard hand-held lopper or pruner only works well with small branches or fruit trees. If the tree needing trimmed is larger, you need to have it done by professionals from a tree trimming company.

How Much Does Tree Pruning Cost?

Most homeowners decide to call in the professionals to tackle the trees that need trimming. However, when asking many companies, the common question “How much does tree trimming cost?”, you do not get a direct answer. There are several reasons because the final price depends on various factors. Although, it is good practice to obtain quotes from several companies to get the best price possible. You should ask questions before choosing the tree trimming company to use. Once you have your answer and quotes, compare them to decide who has the best prices, and offers the best experience for the job.

Tree Trimming Cost By Size Of Tree

The tree’s overall size will have a large effect on the total tree trimming costs. Obviously, a taller, larger tree is going to cost more to shape and prune compared to a shorter, smaller tree. This is partly because there are more branches on larger trees, meaning more trimming and time per job. Below is a breakdown on average professional tree trimming prices:

Cost To Trim A Tree 30ft or less:

Trees under 30ft, such as dogwood trees and Russian olive trees average $75 to $450.

Cost To Trim A Tree 30ft – 60ft tall:

Trees in this range, such as crab apple trees average $150 to $875.

Cost To Trim A Tree 60ft or taller:

Trees over 60ft, such as pine trees or red oak trees average $200 to $1,000+ for professional trimming.

Additional Costs

There are some services that can increase the final cost of tree trimming. For instance, it is often about $250 per hour for emergency tree pruning and trimming services. Want dead or broken limbs cleared from the tree? This runs about $1,000, but if the tree company does not have their own truck, workers will be required to climb your tree and increases the average price over $1,500.

Different factors impact professional tree trimming costs, including:

  • Elapsed time since the last trimming
  • Tree location
  • Tree’s overall health
  • Accessibility
  • Travel expenses, if a company must travel

While the costs of tree trimming can become expensive, allowing the professionals to handle the job is worthwhile. Allowing the professionals to conduct tree trimmings you avoid any unnecessary risk of injury to yourself, your family, or the tree.

If your tree has branches or limbs that are growing dangerously close to power lines, remember to contact your local utility company. Often times, the utility company will come out (or send someone out) to trim limbs or branches that are near power lines at no cost as it helps avoid more expensive repairs on their end if the branch falls on the utility line. It’s always better to be safe than be sorry later!

*Disclaimer – These are not our actual costs for your project. Every tree trimming project should begin with an initial consultation and tree inspection before we offer tree trimming estimates. 

Arbor Care is a Professional Tree Trimming Company In Arizona

Arbor Care offers professional tree trimming and pruning services in Tempe, Arizona, and surrounding areas. Request a free tree trimming estimate from the professional tree service experts at Arbor Care.

Written by webtechs

Tree Pruning Techniques

What Is Tree Pruning?

Tree pruning is a horticultural practice where you selectively remove certain parts of a tree, such as branches, buds and roots. Read on to learn more.

Reasons to Prune

Each cut can change the overall growth of the tree, no branch should be removed unless it is needed. Reasons for pruning are for the removal of dead branches, to reduce risk of falling branches. Trees can also be pruned to allow more light and air penetration to the landscape or ground below the tree. In some cases, mature trees are pruned as corrective or preventative steps.

When to Prune

Most regular pruning to remove disease-ridden, dead or weak libs can be completed at any time of the year. Generally, wound growth and closure are increased if pruning takes place prior to the spring growth flush. A couple of tree diseases, like oak wilt, develop when pruning wounds, providing access to pathogens.

Pruning Techniques

Certain types of pruning may be necessary to manage an adult tree in a healthy, safe, and appealing condition.

Cleaning is removing dead, dying, diseased-ridden, weakly joined, and low-strength branches from the crown of the tree.

Thinning is selective branch removal to improve the tree structure and to increase light penetration and air movement throughout the crown. Correct thinning opens up the foliage of a tree, lessens the weight on more substantial limbs, and helps keep the tree’s natural shape.

Raising removes lower branches from a tree to allow clearance for buildings, vehicles, and people.

Reduction reduces the size of a tree, usually for utility line clearance. Reducing a tree’s height or spread is generally done by pruning back the tree leaders, and branch ends to secondary branches that are sufficiently large enough to take over the terminal roles. In comparison to topping, reduction helps keep the form and structural durability of the tree.

Pruning Young Trees

Robust primary branches should be created while the tree is still young. These limbs are known as scaffold branches and are the groundwork for a mature tree. Properly trained young trees will  develop a strong structure needing less corrective pruning as they age. For a lot of young trees, try to keep a single dominant leader growing upwards. Don’t prune back the tip of this leader or let secondary branches exceed the central leader.

Pruning Palms

Palm pruning removes dying or dead flowers, fronds and/or fruiting clusters. Pruning is typically conducted at least twice a year. Coconuts can be pruned as frequently as every 3 to 4 months to minimize the risk of injury or damage from falling coconuts. It is best for the palm if green fronds remain unharmed. Palms that are over pruned may have a slower growth rate and can attract pests. Climbing spikes should not be used to climb palms for pruning because they harm the palms trunk.

Please Don’t Top Trees!

Topping is the most harmful tree pruning technique known. Yet, regardless of more than 25 years of literature detailing its adverse effects, topping continues to be a commonly used Topping is the cutting of tree branches into stubs or to sideway branches that are not substantial enough to take on the terminal role.

Topping Alternatives

Every now and then a tree must be reduced in height or spread, like for clearing utility lines. There are suggested techniques for doing so. If larger limbs are required to be shortened, it should be pruned back to a sideways branch. This technique of branch reduction preserves the natural form of the tree. However, if significant cuts are needed, the tree may not be able to close over and let its wounds compartmentalize.

Tree Removal Services In The Phoenix, Arizona

If you need tree removal services anywhere in the Phoenix Valley, give Arbor Care a call today at (480) 797-5566 or receive a free tree removal estimate in Phoenix. Our Service area includes: Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, and Surprise, Arizona.

Written by webtechs

How Much Does Tree Trimming Cost?

Tree Trimming Cost

According to Thumbtack, the average price for tree trimming is $537.50 for 2020 in the US, with costs ranging from $75 to $1,000. Cost factors depend on the size, height, condition, and location of the tree to be trimmed.  The cheapest tree trimming cost is around $75.00. Tree Trimming costs about $375 a tree with average prices of tree trimming ranging from $250 a tree to $500 a tree.

Tree Trimming Cost In 2020

  • Lowest Tree Trimming Cost: $75
  • Average Tree Trimming Cost: $537.50
  • Highest Tree Trimming Cost: $1,000

Tree Trimming Cost Per Hour

The average price for tree trimming per hour is $137.50 for 2020 in the US, with costs ranging from $97.50 to $172.50. Tree trimming price factors depend on the height, size, condition, and location of the tree to be trimmed. The cheapest tree trimming cost per hour is around $97.50.

What Is The Cost Of Tree Trimming?

On occasion, you will need tree trimming done to maintain an attractive looking yard. Pruning or trimming your trees helps to remove broken or dead limbs which could be dangerous, in addition to improving the appearance. However, until you are in need of tree trimming, you probably won’t understand the costs. Tree trimming costs range based on various factors, including if you are doing it yourself, or using a professional tree trimming service. Keep reading to learn more about the cost of tree trimming.

What Is The Cost Of Do It Yourself (DIY) Tree Trimming?

Renting heavy-duty gas-operated tree trimmers are an option in certain areas. For purchasing standard hand-held pruners or loppers, they will cost on average, $40 – $50. Whereas, a gas pole pruners average $180 and up. However, these get the job done efficiently and quickly. It should be noted that a standard hand-held lopper or pruner only works well with small branches or fruit trees. If the tree needing trimmed is larger, you need to have it done by professionals from a tree trimming company.

How Much Does Tree Pruning Cost?

Most homeowners decide to call in the professionals to tackle the trees that need trimming. However, when asking many companies, the common question “How much does tree trimming cost?”, you do not get a direct answer. There are several reasons because the final price depends on various factors. Although, it is good practice to obtain quotes from several companies to get the best price possible. You should ask questions before choosing the tree trimming company to use. Once you have your answer and quotes, compare them to decide who has the best prices, and offers the best experience for the job.

Tree Trimming Cost By Size Of Tree

The tree’s overall size will have a large effect on the total tree trimming costs. Obviously, a taller, larger tree is going to cost more to shape and prune compared to a shorter, smaller tree. This is partly because there are more branches on larger trees, meaning more trimming and time per job. Below is a breakdown on average professional tree trimming prices:

Cost To Trim A Tree 30ft or less:

Trees under 30ft, such as dogwood trees and Russian olive trees average $75 to $450.

Cost To Trim A Tree 30ft – 60ft tall:

Trees in this range, such as crab apple trees average $150 to $875.

Cost To Trim A Tree 60ft or taller:

Trees over 60ft, such as pine trees or red oak trees average $200 to $1,000+ for professional trimming.

Additional Costs

There are some services that can increase the final cost of tree trimming. For instance, it is often about $250 per hour for emergency tree pruning and trimming services. Want dead or broken limbs cleared from the tree? This runs about $1,000, but if the tree company does not have their own truck, workers will be required to climb your tree and increases the average price over $1,500.

Different factors impact professional tree trimming costs, including:

  • Elapsed time since the last trimming
  • Tree location
  • Tree’s overall health
  • Accessibility
  • Travel expenses, if a company must travel

While the costs of tree trimming can become expensive, allowing the professionals to handle the job is worthwhile. Allowing the professionals to conduct tree trimmings you avoid any unnecessary risk of injury to yourself, your family, or the tree.

If your tree has branches or limbs that are growing dangerously close to power lines, remember to contact your local utility company. Often times, the utility company will come out (or send someone out) to trim limbs or branches that are near power lines at no cost as it helps avoid more expensive repairs on their end if the branch falls on the utility line. It’s always better to be safe than be sorry later!

*Disclaimer – These are not our actual costs for your project. Every tree trimming project should begin with an initial consultation and tree inspection before we offer tree trimming estimates. 

Arbor Care is a Professional Tree Trimming Company In Arizona

Arbor Care offers professional tree trimming and pruning services in Tempe, Arizona, and surrounding areas. Request a free tree trimming estimate from the professional tree service experts at Arbor Care.

Written by webtechs

How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost In Phoenix?

Palm Tree Trimming Cost Phoenix

If you are wondering, how much does palm tree trimming cost in Phoenix, Arizona, this post should help! The average palm tree trimming cost in Phoenix is about $637.50 in 2020. Palm trees that are as high as 30 feet will usually cost around $75 to $400. To have a medium palm tree trimmed it generally costs in the range of $130 to $800, according to Liberty Tree Experts, and palms that are as high as 60 feet and taller, will usually cost in the range of $200 to $1,200 according to Phoenix Trim a Tree.

How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost In Phoenix, Arizona?

The average cost of palm tree trimming in Phoenix is around $637.50. This includes neighboring cities such as Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Suprise, Glendale, Peoria, and other areas of the Phoenix Metropolitan area. The health, shape, and size of the palm tree all have an impact on how much they cost to trim. Trees that are well managed and trimmed on a regular basis will cost less than a palm tree that never gets trimmed. See below for small, medium and large palm tree trimming costs.

GotTreeQuotes says, “The average cost of palm tree trimming (single palm) is $79 based on national averages so far this year, but realistically it can cost anywhere from $45 to $945 to trim a palm tree.”

Small Palm Tree Trimming Cost

Trimming small palm trees that are 30 feet and under will cost an average of $237.50 and ranges from $75 to $400 or more.

Medium Palm Tree Trimming Cost

Trimming palm trees that are somewhere between 31 feet up to 59 feet will cost an average of $465 and ranges from $130 to $800 or more.

Large Palm Tree Trimming Cost

Trimming large palm trees that are 60 feet and over cost an average of $700 and ranges from $200 to $1,200 or more.

Palm Tree Trimming Cost Factors

The size, the shape, and the health of your palm will have an impact on how much it is going to cost you to have it trimmed properly. Trees that are kept trimmed on a regular basis is going to need less work, meaning it’s going to cost less. On the other hand, should your tree(s) need a lot of caring for, the cost is going to be more.

If you need an accurate palm tree trimming cost estimate in Phoenix please contact us. We can come out and give you an estimate on your Palm Tree(s) to be trimmed or removed. Should your palms appear shabby and they are in need of being trimmed for their health as well as their appearance, give us a call. We will always offer you affordable and competitive prices when taking care of your palm tree(s) in Arizona.

We provide our palm tree trimming and removal services for both, residential and commercial properties located in Phoenix, Chandler, Glendale, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, Gilbert, among all the other cities in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Let us come out and show you what we can do for your palms, and what they can do for your landscape!

How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost in Phoenix, AZ?

Palm Tree Removal Cost Phoenix AZ

The average palm tree removal cost in Phoenix is about $300, with costs ranging from $150 to $450 according to HomeAdvisor. However, if your palm trees are more than 80 ft tall, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,100 to $1,500.

Get A Palm Tree Trimming or Removal Quote In Phoenix, AZ

If you are interested in receiving a free cost quote for Palm Tree Trimming anywhere in the Phoenix Valley, let Arbor Care Help!

We provide affordable Palm Tree Trimming services in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Glendale, Mesa, among others. Remove those sick or dead Palm Trees and enhance your residential yard or commercial property.

Written by webtechs

Is My Palm Tree Dead?

Is my palm tree dead

When your palm tree fronds begin to droop or turn brown they quickly lose the tropical island appeal. Not many people know that palm trees actually belong to the evergreen family of trees which is why brown or yellow fronds are much more noticeable.

Palm trees can be infested with bugs as well as the more popular Fusarium Wilt fungus or Nalanthamala Vermoeseni also known as pink rot.

Signs Of A Dead Palm Tree

It can be quite difficult to tell if a palm tree is completely dead or just in need of some extra care. Hunker states that if you have any green on your fronds no matter how small the tree is still alive, but if you d not see any green the tree is dying if not already dead. Some of the tell-tale signs of a dying palm tree start with drooping or yellowing leaves and one of the places to start would be with the soil the tree is planted in.

Discolored or Wilting Palms

When a palm tree’s fronds begin yellowing Davey recommends checking the soil to ensure that there are no major nutrients lacking in the soil, as well as proper moisture and fertilizer levels as well since too much or too little can harm your palm tree. It may be tempting to remove the discolored fronds from the plant but this should be cautioned against since this could stunt growth for younger leaves.

Runs Out of Nutrients

According to Tree Help manganese, potassium, and magnesium deficiency are the most likely areas for a palm tree to be deficient in. These deficiencies can be identified by simple visual inspection but it is best to test the soil to get an accurate estimate of what nutrients are lacking.


According to Palm Tree Passion palm trees are most affected by sucking insects, mealybugs, palm aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars. By regularly inspecting your palm tree you should be able to perform a visual or audio inspection to check for any pests that may bother your palm tree.

Can My Palm Tree Be Saved?

Since a dying palm tree and completely dead palm tree can look very similar it can be hard to tell the health of your palm tree. These trees can be very temperamental and there are several factors like water, soil, nutrients, fertilizer, or dying fronds can affect the health of the tree it is best to do something the second you notice something wrong. If these factors are left unchecked there is a chance that a sick palm tree quickly turns into a dead palm tree.

Saving A Dying Palm Tree

Gardening Know How suggests getting to the root of the problem to discover why the palm tree is not healthy. A good starting point would be to see how the “crown” fronds since this is where growing fronds will start and if the crown is unhealthy the rest of the tree will also have issues. Florida Palm Trees states that palm trees could environmental issues, nutrition deficiency, or problems like poor soil and incorrect watering schedule. This is why it is best to start with a soil test so that you can replace the proper chemical balance and add fertilizer if necessary while adjusting your watering schedule.

Remove Dead Palm Trees in Phoenix, Tempe, & More

If none of the above steps have helped with your palm tree it may be time to call a certified arborist and have your tree further examined. We offer palm tree trimming services in the Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, and surrounding areas. As an added bonus we are experienced and certified arborists, which means that we will do our best to restore your tree to its former health. However, we do know that this is not always possible in every situation which is why we also offer palm tree removal services to keep you and your property safe from harm. Worried about how much it is going to cost? Check out our palm tree trimming cost guide.

Problems With My Tree
Written by webtechs

Tree Pruning Techniques


Tree pruning involves the selective removal of certain parts of a tree. For example, branches, buds or roots. It’s purpose is not to destroy the tree but to make well-advised removal of certain parts of a tree that will enable the rest of the tree to flourish with life.

Benefits Of Tree Pruning

A great rule of pruning is no branch should be removed from a tree unless there is a good reason for it to be removed. It is important to understand every single cut can change the growth pattern of a tree. Generally speaking, good reasons for pruning include when there are dead branches to be removed, reducing the damage that falling branches may no to a tree and enhancing the overall appearance and health of the tree. It is vital trees receive light to grow healthily, so a primary goal of effective pruning is to allow more air and light penetration to the crown of the tree (the top) and to any foliage or landscaping below or within the shadow of the tree. On occasion, older trees are pruned as a corrective measure because regular tree thinning is not in itself beneficial to the health of a tree.


When Should You Prune Trees

There is not a specified time of the year for tree pruning. People do not realize if you regularly trim your trees year round you minimize the chances of weak, diseased, or dead tree branches causing harm to your otherwise healthy tree. This does not mean that by simply pruning your trees, diseases will be eliminated entirely. Diseases such as oak wilt can arise from leaving exposed limbs during pathogen transmission seasons.


Tree Pruning Techniques

  • Thinning a tree is when you select specific branches to be removed to improve airflow and light penetration. This removes the weight of heavier branches allowing a tree to grow naturally without shaping.
  • Cleaning removes dying, weak or other diseased branches from the crown of the tree.
  • Reduction works by reducing the height or spread of tree leaders and the joints of secondary branches. For tree topping, a reduction helps a tree structurally as well as the durability.
  • Raising is when a lower level branch is removed to increase the amount of clearance for people, building, or vehicles to pass safely.

Young Tree Pruning

A properly pruned tree is necessary to ensure that a young tree will grow into a strong tree when it matures. When a young tree is pruned regularly while it is growing will reduce the amount of tree trimming that will be required when it matures.

Scaffold branches are best created when a tree is still young and healthy to ensure they grow into mature trees. A dominant leader branch should be helped to grow upwards to give a young tree chance to develop structurally. The leader branch should stand out above secondary branches and the tip should not be pruned.


Palm Tree Pruning

Most palm trees should be trimmed at least twice a year to remove some of the dying leaves, flowers, or fruiting clusters as well as dangerous items like coconuts. You could prune your trees every 3 or 4 months to ensure that coconuts do not fall and cause damage to property or people passing by.

If your palm tree is trimmed too often it will grow slower as well as have the possibility to attract harmful pests. It is best to avoid harming the palm tree by leaving fronds that are green alone and not using spikes to scale the tree.


Avoid Tree Topping

Despite years of outcry from arborists on the harm that can be done by topping a tree, it is still something commonly practiced. When your tree is reduced to stubs or secondary branches you are not allowing the tree to grow properly like it.


Tree Topping Alternatives

If a tree must be reduced for clearance or safety reasons it is best to use other techniques like pruning. In a worst-case scenario, a tree will be removed and replanted in a different site with a tree species better suited for the specific situation.  Instead of topping large limbs can be shortened sideways allowing another branch to assume the terminal role. In the case of smaller branches they may be removed entirely and if a tree has a significant amount of branches removed it should be given the necessary time to compartmentalize.

Tree Removal Services In The Phoenix, Arizona

If you need tree removal services anywhere in the Phoenix Valley, give Arbor Care a call today at (480) 797-5566 or receive a free tree removal estimate in Phoenix. Our Service area includes: Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, and Surprise, Arizona.

Written by webtechs

How To Trim A Tree – Large or Small

Tree Trimming Tips - How To Trim A Large Or Small Tree

If you’re Googling “How To Trim A Large Tree“, “How To Trim A Small Tree” or “Tree Trimming Tips“, this article should help!

When you know the basics of tree pruning and trimming, then you can handle most of the work yourself. There is a variety of tips for pruning and trimming techniques that can help to keep your tree looking great. The right type of knowledge and equipment will allow you to prune your tree when needed to maintain the appearance and health as well as to remove dead branches and common issues that could be dangerous.

There are a lot of tree trimming techniques, but if you are wanting to do this on your own, then you need to learn the basics to keep things in order. You could also hire a professional and not think about it. Keep reading our guide below for more information.

Reasons to prune or trim your tree

Trees will normally get trimmed for one of 3 reasons: health, safety, or aesthetics. For instance:

  • Health – It can sometimes be possible to save infected trees by pruning the affected limbs and branches. Thinning the tree’s crown improves airflow, which is beneficial. If the branches are rubbing together or crossing, then need to be trimmed so that they don’t fall unexpectedly.
  • Safety – Broken or dead limbs and branches can fall at any time, which is a big safety issue. If the branches of a tree obstruct your vision when you are driving, they need to be trimmed. If the branches and limbs grow to close to utility lines, contact your utility company to take care of it.
  • Aesthetics – Pruning your tree helps to maintain the appearance and shape. You should never impose an unnatural shape or size on a tree. The amount of pruning and trimming that is needed could damage it.

General Tree Trimming Tips For Large & Small Trees

  • Only trim branches that have narrow, weak, V-shaped angles. Keep the branches that have strong U-shaped angles.
  • It is best to prune or trim a tree during the dormant season. Although, you can prune at anytime, it is better when it is dormant. The only exception is when there is a hazard
  • Be conscientious about the branch size that you are removing. If it is less than 5 cm in diameter, then it is okay to remove. If it is between 5 to 10 cm, you may not want to remove it. If it is more than 10 cm in diameter, you should only remove it if you have a really good reason.

Lateral branches need to be between three-quarters and one-half the diameter of the stem at the attachment point. Otherwise, they should be removed.

  • Do not trim branches that are too long or too close. You should not remove the branch collar or leave a large stub.
  • When you are finished pruning, the ration for the crown to tree height needs to be two-thirds.
  • Try to prune young branches. They are easier to manage and there is a lower chance of leaving nasty scars.

Pruning Tips for Trees

The tips below will help to guide you if you have been planning on pruning your trees or if you want to learn more about the care and maintenance techniques for tree trimming.

Crown Thinning

If you are needing to trim the crown of your tree, keep the following techniques and tips in mind:

  • Prune branches that are crossing or rubbing each other.
  • Keep lateral branches evenly spaced as much as possible, especially on a young tree.
  • Do not remove more than a fourth of the crown at once. If you have to remove more than that, spread it over years.

Crown raising

  • In order to make clearance for pedestrians or other reasons, you can raise the crown by pruning your tree carefully. Maintaining the live branches on most of the tree’s height. If you remove too many branches toward the bottom, then your tree may not develop a strong stem.

Crown Reduction

Only reduce the crown if it is needed. Prune the lateral branches that are a third in diameter of the stem that will need to be removed.

  • If you have to remove more than half of the foliage from the branches, just remove the whole branch.

Techniques for Tree Trimming

Below are some techniques for trimming to keep in mind:

  • Before you make a cut, look for the collar of the branch, which grows from stem tissue at the base of the branch. Look for the ridge, which is on the upper surface and runs parallel to the angle at the stem of the branch.
  • Use the same techniques to prune living and dead branches.
  • Always cut the outside of the bark ridge and angle the cut down and away from the stem. Be sure that you don’t damage the collar of the branch.
  • If the stem is too long, then use a three cut technique. Create a notch on the side of the stem that faces away from the branch being kept. Make a second cut inside of the branch and above the ridge. Make a third cut which will remove the stub by cutting through the stem which is parallel to the bark ridge.

Keeping these techniques and tips from this guide before you take on trimming and pruning your trees.

How much does trimming a tree cost?

If you are wanting to keep your landscape looking great, then you need to consider having your trees pruned and trimmed. Pruning and trimming helps to remove broken or dead limbs as well as helps to keep your tree healthy. The cost of trimming your tree will depend on various factors, but it really depends on whether you can do it yourself or if you need to hire a professional. Learn more about palm tree trimming costs here.

Tree Trimming Services In Tempe, Arizona

If you would rather have an expert trim your trees and live or do business in the Tempe, Arizona area, Arbor Care can help! For professional tree trimming in Tempe, give Arbor Care a call today at 480-797-5566

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